Tax in respect of liaison, negotiation or intermediary services rendered by a resident representative office shall, if the amount of the Commission is specified clearly in the contract, be calculated and imposed on the amount specified in the contract; 常驻代表机构从事联络洽谈、居间介绍所收取的佣金,在合同中载明佣金金额的,按合同规定的金额计算征税;
Foreign Enterprise refers to Foreign Enterprise Resident Representative Office or Foreign-invested enterprise which can do productive activities in china. 外国(地区)企业:是指外国企业常驻代表机构以及在中国境内从事生产活动的外国企业。
A business report of the resident representative office during the last residence period; Effectiveness of Internal Control Mechanism for Subsidiary Company and its CFO: on Principal-Agent Perspective 该企业常驻代表机构前一个驻在期内的业务活动报告;派驻财务总监与企业集团内控的实施&基于代理理论的视角
A duplicate certificate of approval and a certificate of registration of the resident representative office; 该企业常驻代表机构的批准证书及登记证复印件;